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V5 Issues - Quest Issues using Fast Way client


Verified Member
Coastal Oregon
Level 40 BE Warlock in The Hinterlands. Lots of Quests are bugged.

One problem seems to be drops of quest items, even with PET on passive or dismissed [dead].

Quest: Heads Up - Killed the guy. No Head Drop - my demon was not spawned.

Quest: Faces of Evil - Tiki Masks were already burning when I showed up. No way to set them alight. Tried quest trigger item next to a couple of masks. and nada.

Quest: Venomous Secrets - Hunting spiders in a cave for quest drops. Very low drop rate. The quest and mobs were green for my level 40 warlock, but I had to kill about 5 times as many spiders to finish quest as I needed. That seems very low. And again, no demon was summoned [was on passive part of the time] so it could not have interfered. Let me know which Worldserver.conf setting should change this if any. Sure like to up the rate of low level quest drops since with EXTREME XP you're basically always doing low level quests.

Very hard to work this area. I could do the snap jaws quest and the Gammerica [boss snap jaw] quest just fine.

Tried Lards Lunch. HA HA very funny Blizz. :rolleyes: I tried to open the case on the ground 3 times and was fighting like 15 of those level 49 baddies. Luckily I was .cheat god. Anyway I was not doing any damage to any of them to get his lunch.. I guess I could pick up bottles on the beach, but rest of area is a bust for me. Guess I'll move on. :rolleyes:

Good news is that things are stable. No crashes. And now that I have set kill XP to normal, and just QUEST XP to 100x, I can make progress without spending forever.

Guess I'll try a hunter next and post a reply here.

I really do appreciate all the work it must have taken to get this whole thing together and stable. Quest and travel issues are minor compared with all that. But after all. All the details matter too. I'm not grousing, but trying to provide detailed feedback. Thanks a ton.



Verified Member
Coastal Oregon
Dwarven Hunter from Start

Dwarf Hunter

Control Pet in skill list.
Says Visit Your Trainer. But this is included in the base at level 1.

Just on way from starting area to Kharanos, an NPC has ammo for sale. Ammo is obsolete in Cata, right?

Quest: Forced to Watch from Afar
I thought the 3 dwarves in the cave were friendly and you talk to them.
But they are hostile and you complete by killing them. Odd. I could only find Lewin. Not other two of them. Can't find them in cave.

Looks like hunter has same problem as warlock. Pet kills give no loot. So if I go passive and let pet kill, then I get no loot. This means if pet strikes first I get no loot. Which bugs all quests with special objects. Pets of all kinds need to count as me for any kills. Right? Actually this is not always true. Not clear what's going on.

Unselectable IMP Demons standing around in Dun Morogh 57.3 59.1 at least 3 I can see. Also saw one in Exodar on the ramp up out of the under ground to the ground level. They dance around, but can't be selected or interacted with in any way. Not like a critter that can be selected like a rabbit.

Quest: The Public Servant - Not possible to do the quest. The Rune does not save the miner. Looks like it casts, but nothing happens.

Flight NPCs are strange. Looks like everything, even after the first time you talk to a particular NPC, you have to talk to them again, and then you get the map. If you don't know this, you might think they are bugged. The Gol'Bolar Quarry is this way. But the NPC outside of the Blood Elf city never produced a map, no matter how many time you talk to her.

At Ambersill Ranch, there are two copies of Ultham Ironhorn <Riding Trainer> and no copies of the NPC that sells the ram mounts, and no ram mounts standing around. Ah.... No way to get one of my favorite mounts. ;(

I'm not clear on whether which NPCs and their placement is part of the client or the server? Looks like it's server controlled. So the copy of Ultham that is standing next to the piles of hay at (71.2 48.4) needs to be the NPC that sells the RAMS and the RAMs [All 6 or 7 types of them] are standing around on either side of him.] Also, I think he must have the quest to return the stolen rams from the nearby frozen lake, with a whistle. That's a neat quest because the easiest way to do it is to make a macro to select the ram and whistle to it. A little lesson in macros.

Millie Featherwhistle and her buddy Binjy are there in Steelgrill Depot selling mechanostriders, and since you defaulted us to EXALTED with all the factions, I can have a Mechanostrider until I get a horse or other mount and Rams are fixed. ;) But these iron contraptions chafe my tender Dwarven rear end. I miss my soft plush Ram. :rolleyes:

The mail from Ultham Ironhorn
about learning to ride at Ambersill Ranch has an item with a quest in it. But the quest cannot be started. I already learned Apprentice Riding, but on other toons, in other Wows, I've read the mail, and activated the quest after learning the skill, no problem. Since all the quest says is go visit your trainer. But this is bugged. Can't right click the quest. Nothing happens.

Duskwood Quest: Look to the Stars
Blind Mary is missing. Lots of mobs to fight, but no Mary (81.8, 59.2) in the cabin. That's where the ? shows.
I see the problem. I got part 2 first. rather than part 1. So Mary is not there on purpose. The server handed me the wrong quest first. I'm using the carbonite plugin and it says part 1-3. But the wiki page says the quest was removed from Wow due to the Cataclysm. So looks like the quest is just supposed to be gone from the game in 4.3.4?

Time to find a trainer. Oh wait. Just clicked on Felicia Maline again and she said "New Flight Path Discovered". But I flew in here, and clicked on her before. Odd.

That's ok. I did a couple of other quests and am now level 30. Ain't EXTREME wonderful? Time to fly to Stormwind and find a trainer.

Woops. Just got off the gryphon and there is a sword floating at the bottom of the stairs like it should be held by someone. (67.5, 71.8). Don't see anyone, just a floating sword moving like it is being held in front of an invisible person. Very nice glowing sword. I want one like that someday. ;)

Time for a break for lunch.

Pets Swapped on Logout

Oh No.. One last thing. If you stable your Bear / default pet for Dwarf. And have a Snow Leopard that you have tamed as your pet, then log out. The Bear is yanked from the stable and set as the default pet. I need to fill both slots and stable the bear and see what happens. Bad thing would be to toss a pet out and replace it with a bear. Donl't mess with my pet list, buddy. :( You know I might have spent all day getting that Molten Turtle, right. The rare one in the volcano? Well we can't have the system tossing it out when I logout, can we. :(
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Verified Member
Coastal Oregon
Draenai Paladin - Level 14 - 30 - Azure Isles and Ashenvale

Draenai Paladin

Starting at level 14
No issues that haven't been mentioned at Azure Isles. Leveled to 20 and trained for riding. Riding trainer and Elekk NPC outside Exodar.
Trained for Paladin specific Elekk no problems.

Did not do Bloodmyst Isle since I was beyond it's level of 10-20.
Went to Ashenvale. No problems flying from Azure Watch. Flew to Forest Song - no quests evident. Maybe it's too high a level. Flew to Astranaar.

Quest: Astranaar's Burning!
There are no fires to put out. Can't complete quest.

Quest: A Trip to the Moonwell
Looked like it worked. Quest log says it worked. But when I return to Pelturas Whitemoon, he just says something rather than completing the quest. The ? is on his location. Can't complete the quest.

Quest: To the Spire - Worked.

Flights work so far in Ashenvale.

Quest: Retaking Mystral Lake - works fine
. Looks like Mail armor has been modified extensively in the client. :rolleyes:



Verified Member
Coastal Oregon
Blood Elf Warlock Level 40 - 65

Blood Elf Warlock Level 40 - 65

Eastern Plaguelands - starting at Throndroil River flight point, I could talk to the NPC to get a quest, but I could not talk to the wagon to continue the journey. I could get the blessings. Went to next town to East, no quests apparent.

Thousand Needles - The barge is burning. I remember a quest to ride a boat and put out the flames. Never saw it. Did get a diving helmet and boots.

Was able to get some quests:

Pirate area: Was able to get the treasure chests and the reward for that. Next part is to bribe the ogres. Does not work. Clicking on the treasure tosses it, but the ogres do not respond. No way to contine the quest chain.

The Gnome in the ship
. Able to get the goo for that reward.

Quest: We all Scream for Ice Cream Then Die! - Not able to recover the bodies. Able to kill the boss in the nest.

Quest: Freezing the Pipes - Not able to freeze the pipes - You can freeze them but get no credit for completion.

Leaving Thousand Needles to the South. I'm level 50 from a couple of quests because I have 100x for quest XP turned on.

Gadgetzan - Only one quest marker. Meg Dreadshredder talks to you, but inspite of a marker on her head, she gives no quests. No quests in the town. Leaving for Un'Goro Crater.

Un'Goro Crater: Mossy Pile
- There are quests to do here.

I'm upping my KILL XP rate to 100. It's too painful to kill this many things for this low an XP. Quest XP rate of 200x seems to work. No issues now that I'm out of starting area. So here goes.

That worked great. A couple of quests and we can move on to Silithus.

Missing Mailbox - Silithus (55.4 35.7) Next to the Inn. Marked on the map, but not in game. Missing model in client or server error.

Cenarion Circle Rep - Not set to Exhalted on toon create. Oh well. Have to work for it. Is that in the Worldserver.conf file? Oh, never mind. I set some rep gain to very high in conf file, so I have exhalted now. NP.

Some quests from the Cenarion Hold, esp those from Huum Wildmane and Bor Wildmane work fine.
Quest: Vyral the Vile - and lead up quests worked fine.
And with Extreme I'm at 65 and ready to move on. I'll come back here later to farm Rune Cloth drops from Twilight mobs. BTW, unleashed voidwalker and infernal on Vyral and they killed him and I got drop no problem. So pets preventing drops wasn't an issue. Not sure why it was an issue earlier.

Warlock Fel Armor passive core is missing from the spellbook.
I recall seeing it the last time I trained at level 65. Odd the wiki says it appears at level 38. I was going to try it since it sounded interesting. It is an alternate for Demon Armor. Anyway, it's not in my spellbook. [ Oh yes it is. Demonology Page 1 ]

Also, "Control Demon" appears as if it were an untrained ability in the Demonology section of the spellbook. But this is present from the beginning in Cata Warlocks, and does not need to be trained.

I've got flight and am ready to go to Outland.

Wish me luck,
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Verified Member
Coastal Oregon
Blood Elf Warlock Level 65+ Outland

Blood Elf Warlock Level 65+

Outland Legion Front

Quest: Disrupt Their Reinforcements - Unable to complete quest. This is a problem since it stops a long quest chain with an interesting mini-game to bombard mobs from a windrider.
The problem is apparently that one of the portals, called Xilus, is bugged. The other portal - Kruul - is no problem. Although I had problems when I had Carbonite AddOn up, since it wouldn't let me activate the stones. But I disabled the plugin and all was well deactivating Kruul.
IDK for sure, but I think Kruul is the one to the NE. They are not named and do not appear marked on the map. The best you can do is go to them and then open the map and see where you are. Anyway, I can disable Kruul over and over. But it doesn't work when I try the SE portal. Note that the Horde portals are N of the road and the Alliance Portals are S of the road. Alliance portals may be bugged too. I'll try them later with another toon.

Toon is level 69 now, so I can move on anyway. But these are nice quests and this basically stops the chain before the cool parts.



Thank you very much for your reports! Highly appreciated, and I can assure you that we will look into it.

Just as a side-note, for v6.1 one of the developers (LKArthas) already fixed all quests in Dun Morogh, so these can be "imagined" as fixed I guess :D