[TRINITY/ARKCORE/ANYTHING?] How to make custom shirts w/ visual effects! / cosmetics


Senior User
Hiya guys, I'm going to tell you guys how to easily make your own shirts with visual effects in 3 steps!​

Step one: Go find a spell you want to use for it ( cool visual, something sexy )
- You can do this by looking up a spell in-game or on wowhead. [ GET THE ID ]
- In this case i'm going to look a spell up ingame So i found a few spells, I decided to go with Sphere Visual.( 56102 )

Step Two: Making the shirt.
First thing you want to go do is open up your database, and goin into item_Template.
Find an existing shirt > right click it and duplicate row (Let's make it easy for you and myself ^)
Add an ID (Something high such as 911111 - Then edit the name ( Shirt of the Sexy Ass Sphere ) perhaps?
Change the display id > 47076 looks good as a display id . I'd change the quality to either epic(5) or legendary (6) for it to be more unique and outstanding.
Then what you do is find the column spellid_1 and you enter the spellID ( 56102 in my case ) and set spelltrigger_1 to 1. and spellcooldown to -1

Step Three:
Now go ahead and reload item_template or restart the server for it to be in-game!
Now enjoy looking good ;)



This is very useful! I'm sure there's atleast a few who wants to do this, thanks for releasing!


MoP Premium
Verified Member
Hiya guys, I'm going to tell you guys how to easily make your own shirts with visual effects in 3 steps!

Step one: Go find a spell you want to use for it ( cool visual, something sexy )

- You can do this by looking up a spell in-game or on wowhead. [ GET THE ID ]

- In this case i'm going to look a spell up ingame So i found a few spells, I decided to go with Sphere Visual.( 56102 )

Step Two: Making the shirt.

First thing you want to go do is open up your database, and goin into item_Template.

Find an existing shirt > right click it and duplicate row (Let's make it easy for you and myself ^)

Add an ID (Something high such as 911111 - Then edit the name ( Shirt of the Sexy Ass Sphere ) perhaps?

Change the display id > 47076 looks good as a display id . I'd change the quality to either epic(5) or legendary (6) for it to be more unique and outstanding.

Then what you do is find the column spellid_1 and you enter the spellID ( 56102 in my case ) and set spelltrigger_1 to 1. and spellcooldown to -1

Step Three:

Now go ahead and reload item_template or restart the server for it to be in-game!

Now enjoy looking good ;)

Thank you !