Naaru's 3.3.5a Blizzlike Repack v2023.04


Trial Member
Naaru's 3.3.5a Blizzlike Repack based on Trinity Core

Naaru's Blizzlike Repack v2.1 for Wrath of the Lich King Expansion (3.3.5a)

Powered by TrinityCore, 100% Blizzlike

This Version 2.1 of the repack includes:

⦁ Patch 3.3.5a support.
⦁ Latest TrinityCore Sep 22, 2020.
⦁ Latest Trinity Database of Sep 15, 2020.
⦁ Local Auto-Update (You can use your pretty old Trinity Databases , no Internet required)
⦁ Easy Worldserver Conf App
⦁ Control Panel


⦁ Most of the creatures, spells, quests and scripts are fully working (~99%)

⦁ 100% stable x64 release version.

Working Battlegrounds.

⦁ Random Battlegrounds are available.
⦁ Warsong Gulch is available.
⦁ Arathi Basin is available.
⦁ Eye of the Storm is available.
⦁ Alterac Valley is available.
⦁ Strand of the Ancients is available.
⦁ Isle of Conquest is available.
⦁ Wintergrasp is available.

Working Arenas.

⦁ Blade's Edge Arena is available.
⦁ Nagrand Arena is available.
⦁ Ruins of Lordaeron is available.
⦁ The Ring of Valor is available.
⦁ The Dalaran Arena is available.


⦁ Dungeon Finder is available.
⦁ The Death Knight starting area is working and playable (90% Blizzlike with custom fixes)
⦁ The auction house is working.
⦁ Most Vehicles are working.
⦁ Most quests are working.
⦁ Most world events are working.
⦁ Most rare boss spawns are available.
⦁ Most creatures are scripted.
⦁ Most items are working.
⦁ Blizzlike Line of Sight implementation.
⦁ Blizzlike pathing implementation.
⦁ Ore spawns are pooled according to Blizzlike standards.
⦁ Extractors for dbc, maps, vmaps and mmaps are included.
⦁ Warden Anti-Cheat is implemented.
⦁ Database is partially localized.


Just copy the contents of the tools dir into your 3.3.5a Client and run they by order, then copy "maps", "vmaps", "mmaps" and "Cameras" into the data folder of the Repack.

Update from a previous version:

Delete the “MySQL” directory from the new repack(v2.0) and copy it from the old repack (1.x) and run the consoles.

Copy the contents of the “data” folder into the new repack.

Update from other Trinity Repack:

Export your characters.sql and auth.sql from the trinity repack and import in this repack. (You will need an SQL Manager App).

Save and Load your Player using .pdump on worldserver console:

Save your player in the old version(v1.x):

Syntax: .pdump write $filename $playerNameOrGUID
Write character dump with name/guid $playerNameOrGUID to file $filename.

A file with your player name will be created, copy that file in the root of the new version of the repack.

Load your player in the new version(v2.0):

Syntax: .pdump load $filename $account [$newname] [$newguid]
Load character dump from dump file into character list of $account with saved or $newname, with saved (or first free) or $newguid guid.

Login Information:


Additional user accounts can be made via console command. Please do not try to do this manually via the database. It will not work. Database users are maintained via the MySQL.

⦁ Username: admins
⦁ Password: admins


⦁ Host: localhost
⦁ Username: root
⦁ Password: ascent


All-in-1 Paket: (~1660 MB)


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Missing name Warden.NumInjectionChecks in config file S:/Naaru's 3.3.5a Blizzlike Repack v2.2/core/worldserver.conf, add "Warden.NumInjectionChecks = 9" to this file
Missing name Warden.NumLuaSandboxChecks in config file S:/Naaru's 3.3.5a Blizzlike Repack v2.2/core/worldserver.conf, add "Warden.NumLuaSandboxChecks = 1" to this file
Missing name Warden.NumClientModChecks in config file S:/Naaru's 3.3.5a Blizzlike Repack v2.2/core/worldserver.conf, add "Warden.NumClientModChecks = 1" to this file


Verified Member
Can anyone confirm the 'checksums' on the most current RAR please (I have real crappy interwebs RN and just want to make sure I got a good DL):

These are the values I have:

File: Naaru Blizzlike Repack 3.3.5a v2023.04.rar
CRC-32: be50a9c3
MD5: 58bbfbc9a3b580b0aac4201acfb8e82c
SHA-1: db4933a2165fb97beeb8d3eb7f2a5dcecb4f1041
SHA-256: 2b2d45061f95fe40e57e8eeffe95befbdcfebc92d68ff1e95d91873da663aaa6
SHA-512: 5ff1900e258986f3663118e8f696b09b3f19c5a8b277f6c726c05eed636acc73732fa03b0beaff34870ad911d66deb370e5cc05488e4cf3b13e655ec558babdf
SHA3-256: 8c67c4e8edf93be63e6729d86ce44e7d3002fc5c5f007d00c1feee8c7b65daf4
SHA3-512: 5e859ee22582e0d88fb914d06b328331bf09048546e0c09f398e943738d4e960e311f24736175599d5f493a25236d266e04a3a5fe6580a343056c8e9e56a7562


Verified Member
Still running one I started 3 months ago, Best 3.3.5a repack we have ever used, Thank you for all the work that went into this