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Difficulty penalty bug (Emucoach Gold v13.1 Cataclysm v4.3.4 november 2020)


Trial Member
My buddy recently upgraded the server from VIP to Gold version. During our 'test run', I encountered a rather weird (and very destructive) bug.
In the Gold version, it's possible to solo dungeons. I did not know this when I started testing, so I used the '.npc add' command to gather a party to tackle a random, non-heroic dungeon. I (a lvl 85 forsaken shadow priest) recruited a hunter (which I replaced with a death knight while in the instance), paladin, priest and mage and used the Dungeon Finder to start a random dungeon. I was sent to Throne of Tides. I easily beat Lady Naz'jar and Commander Ulthok. I beat Erunak Stonespeaker, but the boss battle did not enter phase 2 (Mindbender Ghur'sha releases Erunak and fights the party alone). I proceeded towards the final boss, Ozumat. In the final boss room, I found Neptulon, but could not interact with him. I could not start the fight with Ozumat. Thus, my dungeon run was over. Slightly annoyed by these setbacks, I left the party (of NPC's) while inside the instance. I then HS'd out of the dungeon.
Everytime I entered a portal, or used the HS, a message popped up, stating 'Left (location), diffculty =5'. Each time that happened, my stats took a hit, getting a progressively worse penalty, until they eventually reached 0. Relogging did not reset my stats, but they did reduce the penalties a little, until I used another portal or HS. The problem wasn't fixed by completely shutting down the game either. The gm tried several things, like .unaura all, but nothing helped. We eventually decided to revert back to the VIP backup from the day prior.
I hope this story makes sense. If anything about the story is unclear, let me know and I might be able to clarify.


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
@ExO: where is the "exit solo dungeon setting" (Left (location), difficulty =5) registered?
Is it registered in the database, and can the setting be manipulated by the server owner?
Or is the setting registered in worldserver.exe/sourcecode?

OP plays on the server I set up.

I tried GM settings like (out of my head): .unaura all, set level 84/85, reset stats.
But the 'debuff' remained, decreasing stats with each area transfer: 'Left (location), difficulty =5'


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Verified Member
@ExO: where is the "exit solo dungeon setting" (Left (location), difficulty =5) registered?
Is it registered in the database, and can the setting be manipulated by the server owner?
Or is the setting registered in worldserver.exe/sourcecode?

OP plays on the server I set up.

I tried GM settings like (out of my head): .unaura all, set level 84/85, reset stats.
But the 'debuff' remained, decreasing stats with each area transfer: 'Left (location), difficulty =5'

I think the exit command it's hardcoded on solocraft script.
I have this bug too, and the unique thing to "recover" the player stats, it's restart the server.
I finally disable solocraft, and modify bosses and worldbosses health and damage ratio to make dungeons with my brother.


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Confirmed that restarting the server solves the issue.
Disabled solocraft and LFG solo for now. The issue happened too often for my comfort, unfortunately.
I use bots again to do instances.
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