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Best MOP Private Server | Top MOP Server


Mythical User
Best MOP Private Server

Are you fan of Mist of Pandaria Private Servers? Are you searching for a new MOP Private Server, that you can call your next Best MOP Private Server? This article will cover exactly that. This article will show you with a list of our hand-picked MOP servers that we, at Emucoach, believe are the Top MOP Private Servers. Keep on reading for more information!

What really is considered as a Top MOP Server?​

We consider the Best MOP Private Servers, as servers that care about their players, offers a stable and reliable realm and a quality realm in terms of scripted content, a playable state without every second quest broken, etc.
Emucoach has hand-picked a list of the Top MOP Private Servers for you, whereas one of them hopefully will be your new favorite MOP Server! See below for the detailed MOP Private Server List.

1) TauriWoW
Tauri is known to be a server that delivers absolute quality. It is probably one of the best scripted Private Servers all around. The fact that they've managed to make such a stunning and well-fixed MoP Private Server is impressive.

- Evermoon (Tauri)
Rates: 2x (Low)
Realm-type: PvE
Shop: Offers only Vanity items. No cash-shop.
Quality: Incredible high
Population: Semi Low (~~200-500), but they have a cross-realm feature with their other realm, meaning that Battlegrounds, Dungeons & the Raid Finder system will be merged between their MoP realms, for faster queues.

Overall, we at Emucoach, really recommend you to try Tauri, if you haven't so far. The quality on the server is just great, and they have almost all world quests fixed. The server honestly competes better in all areas than any other MoP Private Server on the market currently.

Only one MOP Private Server listed?​

Yep! Emucoach has decided only to list Tauri-WoW on the list of the Best MOP Private Servers. That is intended, as we believe Tauri offers all and everything required for a blizzlike MOP Private Server. On top of that, it's a fact that there aren't any other MOP Private Servers that are even close to having the same quality as Tauri has on their MOP Private Server. Due to that, they truly deserve the title of being the Best MOP Private Server available, and really is the one you can call your next favorite and Top MOP Server.

Do you have more to add on the information of Tauri, or do you disagree or agree with the current list of the Best MOP Private Server? Let us know in the comment below!

If you are interested in trying out something else than the Top MOP Private Server, perhaps even a completely different expansion you can see our combined list of the Best WoW Private Server sorted by Expansion.


Verified Member
Carlisle, PA, USA
Surprised no mention of Warmane on here. When I was originally searching that was pretty much the only one I could Find. Checking out TauriWoW though! Thanks for the info!


Verified Member
There was a nice server for 5.4.8 named WoW Freakz, they now have a Legion repack but they still have a MoP Realm.


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Yea tauri wow is the best, I got bored with mop private servers but I'd recommend it