Recent content by catontheway

  1. catontheway

    Throne of the Four Winds Al'Akir Crashes Server

    I have the same problem。After Al'Akir is reduced to 20% Health he breaks the platform and gives players flight。the server keeps crashing
  2. catontheway

    vip gold V16,npcbot menu gossip,No option for "change equip"

    hi guys how to change npcbot's equip npcbot menu gossip,No option for "change equip"
  3. catontheway

    v16 crash

    v16 崩溃
  4. catontheway

    v14 gold worldserver.exe crashed

  5. catontheway

    v14 gold version-- mage spell--Fireball issue

    I seem to have found the problem. Because I am using the Chinese client, when I use the DBC file extracted from the Chinese client, the fireball cast is normal. If I use the DBC file provided on the website, the fireball will have problems. But I don't know if there will be other problems when...
  6. catontheway

    v14 gold version-- quest bug

    quest id:25507 quest id:25574 quest id:25297 Missing quest items:54745,52726,52727,52728,55122 ps: 55122 is not exist in database
  7. catontheway

    v14 gold version-- mage spell--Fireball issue

    After I successfully cast the spell fireball, I have to wait 2 minutes or more for the second time to be casted.
  8. catontheway

    [NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]

    thanks ,it is support CN client,CN dbc?
  9. catontheway

    Emucoach Cataclysm Repack - NEW VERSION! (V13)

    it is support Chinese(CN) Client?