Catacyslm 4.3.4 Source [SELL]


Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
- ** [Expansion]:** Catacyslm 4.3.4
- **[Price]:** €300
- **[Blizzlike or Custom]:** Blizzlike
- **[Description] :** Very stable 4.3.4, used on a HUGE project back in the days (Core was 3.3.5, got converted to 4.3.4) - core comes with a commitlog of the past 9 years!

Best working core in terms of overall mechanics, functions and especially questzones I have ever had in the past 13 years of fixing wow-emulations.
I am working on it daily, github access will be granted, so it includes all future updates, aswell as overall support.
Properly working Vashj'ir intro quest (Alliance), fully working Twilight Highlands intro quest (Twilight Skies) and very well quest zones overall.
Implemented AoELoot for Cataclysm
- **[Core Compatibility] :** 4.3.4

Discord: timati00001


Gold Supporter
Verified Member
Tis code and developer is a Scam, source incomplet, insane fail in spell channelled, dragonsoul requiere more up, vashjir zone incomplete and quest incomplet, bastion of twlight requiere more work.

Fireland incomplet requiere more work, and much more.... This code is not recommended for purchase, it requires a lot of work and is not worth the investment. I say this from experience since I have it. :rolleyes:


Verified Member
No way this guy create different accounts with different names and sell the code on 20 sites with different names then everything is a scam because it doesn't work even the basics of this expansion like bastion, descent the twilight highlands missions are not finished. it requires many repairs to be as he says, that comes from 3.3.5 and doesn't work even the ICC ship scam! I say this because I bought this code with access to the repository and when he adds you to it after a few days he deletes you if you add any repairs to this code and then sells it as if he has repaired it.
