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  1. F

    The legendary quest chain of “Dragonwrath,Tarecgosa's Rest” can be repaired? Almost the entire quest chain is Bug。

    [Location, Faction, Race]Redridge Mountains,Alliance,Human [Problem Description] They all completed the quest directly, without animation process and plot,A large number of corresponding phasemasks are missing,A large number of NPCs lacking corresponding handover tasks. [How it should work]...
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    ataclysm VIP 17 ! Some details about the Quest ID:27771 Third Sample: Implanted Eggs

    Fix to make Nyxondra's Egg interact correctly
  3. F

    Cataclysm VIP 17 ! Some details about the Quest ID:26760 Cry For The Moon

    Fix the two jitters originally displayed to make the task look more consistent with Blizzard settings. My English is not good. I wonder if you can understand what I mean. View attachment 2743View attachment 2744
  4. F

    V17 QUEST Darkblaze, Brood of the Worldbreaker,ID:26714

    [Location, Faction, Race]Redridge Mountains,Alliance,Worgen [Problem Description] Horn of Summoning not found [How it should work] Click the horn of war to summon Darkblaze PS:If the line drops or the quest is abandoned, there is no summon Bravo Company member after reconnecting or re-Accept...
  5. F

    AddOn Playersbot New! - MoP

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    Addon Playerbots

  7. F

    Emucoach 5.4.8 Repack - Fully reworked Playerbot System (Battlegrounds, PVP, PvE)
