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  1. kuramajssken

    V15 Deadmines Cookie Activation Broken

    Hey,@orangefire thank you for submitting the bug. will be fixed soon. make it look just like this. right? YouTube Link
  2. kuramajssken

    [Core/Quest] Fixed Quest Escape from the Staging Grounds (10425) Escort missions. V14

    Escape from the Staging Grounds Escort the Captured Protectorate Vanguard back to Protectorate Watch Post in Netherstorm. Captured Protectorate Vanguard Escorted Relevant Locations This quest starts and ends in Netherstorm...
  3. kuramajssken

    V14 Quest bug 10852
  4. kuramajssken

    [Zone/Quest]Fix Quest 10852 Missing Friends. quest. The problem has been confirmed. Please execute mysql to fix this problem. @Likon69 Thank you for submitting bug Fixed DELETE FROM `creature` WHERE id = 22314; INSERT...
  5. kuramajssken

    V14 Quest bug 10839

    No problems were found in the V14 version.
  6. kuramajssken

    [Core/Spell] Fixed weapon chance on hit effect cannot be triggered. Chance on hit: Increases Strength by 100 for 10 sec. Chance on hit: Increases Strength by 100 for 10 sec. INSERT INTO `item_template_addon` (`Id`, `FlagsCu`, `FoodType`...
  7. kuramajssken

    [BUG/AH] V14 Fix the auction house problem (serious)

    When you enable the AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Auction = 1 option in worldserver.config, all the items you auction in the game will be cleared the next time the server restarts. You can use the following mysql statement to fix this problem. MySQL: INSERT INTO `creature` VALUES (23442, 8661, 1, 0...
  8. kuramajssken

    Minor fixes v14 (Firelands Raid)

    Added plot line missing from BOSS Baleroc. DELETE FROM `creature_text` WHERE `entry` = 53494; INSERT INTO `creature_text` VALUES (53494, 0, 0, 'You are forbidden from my master\'s domain, mortals.', 14, 0, 100, 0, 0, 24441, '0', 52180); INSERT INTO `creature_text` VALUES (53494, 1, 0, 'Fool...
  9. kuramajssken

    v14 gold worldserver.exe crashed

    I mean to say, he shouldn't change it carelessly, it will get into trouble.
  10. kuramajssken

    v14 gold worldserver.exe crashed

  11. kuramajssken

    v14 gold worldserver.exe crashed
