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  1. Z

    How do I edit DB to change gathering experience?

    I feel that mining, herbalism and especially archeology, give too much experience and would like to reduce or disable this experience gain. (I am NOT referring to skill levelups, only character experience gain) Does anyone know where to find this in the SQL?
  2. Z

    4.3.4 (13.1) Pet Spawning MAJOR issue (hunter, warlock, probably DK?)

    Flying and Vehicles that dismiss pets don't automatically call them back when landing or exiting. NPC crowd control of the player should not dismiss pets at all but does. (such as dungeon boss fights that grab the player) Also, pets should not engage in combat while following their mounted...
  3. Z

    Boss Bug - Deadmines - Helix Gearbreaker

    Location: Deadmines (normal) Name: Helix Gearbreaker & his oaf the Oaf grabs player and bots fail to carry out "oaf smash" player or finish the fight resulting in an unwinnable bossfight...
  4. Z


    I am interested in a LAN Cata server for 2 players. I suppose the solocraft repack is best for this smallscale? I am looking information on setting up LAN, minimum/suggested PC specs (windows 10 ok?) RAM, CPU? other recomended specs? Which forum should I start in once I finish building the...