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  1. Tasoulios

    Changelog (V13.1) - VIP Cataclysm (Old release)

    I'm still stuck in V.12 since my VIP expired. But i want to get back to it. Am i going to be able to use my V.12 characters with this one?
  2. Tasoulios

    v10.1 - Ahn Kahet: The Old Kingdom

    Area: Ahn Kahet: The Old Kingdom (dungeon) Issue: Boss Jedoga Shadowseeker is untargetable and unkillable. The fight can't start.
  3. Tasoulios

    v10.1 - Tempest Keep The Eye

    Area: Tempest Keep - The Eye Raid Issue: The first boss, Al' ar is just a dead body that floats on the air... He was alive in version 9.1 so that counts as a regression. Edit: Some other mid bosses have the same issues. They are dead but move around for some reason. Edit 2: The health of the...
  4. Tasoulios

    v10.1 - Karazhan

    Area: Karazhan Raid When you talk to Barnes NPC, it's supposed to start an event that spawns a boss. This doesn't work however and the raid stops there (can't continue further).
  5. Tasoulios

    v10.1 - Quest: Salhet the Tactitian

    Area: Uldum Quest: I don't think this quest works
  6. Tasoulios

    v10.1 - Quest: The Thrill of Discovery

    Area: Uldum Quest: You are supposed to go to the middle of the room to "discover" the "ancient mechanism" but it doesn't register. The other two discoveries do register but the quest needs all 3.
  7. Tasoulios

    v10.1 - The Oculus Dungeon

    Area - Oculus Dungeon (Borean Tundra) Issue: After the first boss, you are stuck on the platform with nowhere to go. I think there are supposed to be some dragons that you ride so they can transfer you around the instance but they are missing.
  8. Tasoulios

    [FIXED] v10.1 - Garr (Molten Core Boss)

    Area - Molten Core instance Issue - Garr (the 4th boss) hits for way too much damage, around 300k with a single melee swing. This pretty much kills any fully geared Cata character in one shot. Pretty sure that's not right...
  9. Tasoulios

    v10.1 - Quest: Prepping the Soil

    Area - Mount Hyjal Quest: Seems like it's not working. The crystals are not clickable.
  10. Tasoulios

    v10.1 - Paladin Resistance aura is bugged

    The Resistant aura description says that when activated, it increased resistances by 143 (at level 81). But when i activate it, it increases by 317 instead, giving me more than 40% reduction which is too much i think. I don't have any items that increase resistance and i don't have the aura...
  11. Tasoulios

    v10.1, Arena vendors missing items

    These two vendors in Stormwind only seem to have strength DPS plate arena gear (boots, bracers, etc). I'm pretty sure they should have Healer plate gear as well. That's when you browse their items as a healer paladin.
  12. Tasoulios

    v10.1, Molten Core still crashes Worldserver

    What the title says, when in Molten Core, the Worldserver crashes after a few minutes, just like the previous version (v 9.1)
  13. Tasoulios

    v10.1 Quest: The exorcism of Colonel Jules

    Area: Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula (Alliance) Quest: It doesn't work.
  14. Tasoulios

    Strange Vendor issue in SW Trade Distict

    v10.1 (also in 9.1 and 10.0) Area: Shop at the center of Trade District, Stormwind This vendor has a funny backpack and also holds an invisible shotgun:
  15. Tasoulios

    Quest: Escape from Durnholde bugged

    Zone: Old Hillsbrad Foothills Instance Quest: The quest doesn't work. Thrall will give me a quest and the choice to start the event (where he gets free). If i start the event, i can't get the quest. If i get the quest, i can't start the...
  16. Tasoulios

    v10 Quest: Warning the Cenarion Circle

    Zone: Zangramarsh/Hellfire Peninsula Quest: The quest giver tells you to report to an NPC who is located at Hellfire Peninsula. That NPC however doesn't exist.
  17. Tasoulios

    MrFishIt doesn't work in 3.4.3 repack

    I'm getting this error Is it possible to use this in the repack? This was working a few months ago when i used it on Warmane.
  18. Tasoulios

    v10 bunch of NPCs fall from the sky onto the mountains

    In Icecrown, near the Argent Tournament i saw these NPCs fall from the sky: I dn't think there are supposed to be NPCs there either way. In version 9.1 there are fewer NPCs but they don't fall on the mountain, they just float. So there is something weird going on at this part of the map :D
  19. Tasoulios

    Icecrown Argent Vanguard quest chain issues.

    I will try to explain the issue the best i can. In Icecrown when you take the first few quests from the floating ship that's in the middle of the map, one of these quests leads you to the Argent Vanguard which is located at the bottom right corner of the map. There you do some quests that...
  20. Tasoulios

    v10 Quest: Into The Wild Green Yonder

    Location: Icecrown Quest: You need to take a dragon and fly over some captured soldiers to grab them. When you use the ability on them the dragon doesn't capture them. This is a regression, it was working in v9.1. Although the...